Entries by Mediaplus Group


How Can The Ad Industry Create a Greener Tomorrow?

We are in the midst of a climate emergency. The effects of climate change are being seen in every aspect of our lives. While it may not be as quantifiable as other sectors, the advertising industry is a major driver of climate change. Research carried out at Good-Loop, an online advertising company, has found that […]


Searching for Information? TikTok It!

Suparshv Chopra | Director – Digital Media Very recently, Google discovered that it is not just YouTube that is facing a threat from popular social media apps like Instagram or TikTok but it’s also their core services such as Google Search & Google Maps that are losing their popularity amongst Gen Z . Based on […]

Urgency Trend Radar 2020 – The Heat is On

At the start of every year, countless experts give their forecasts on the most important trends for the new year. For the fourth time in a row, we have conducted a meta-analysis for the new year based on these trend forecasts. This year’s is based on 40 different forecasts, and we have taken a close look at what the experts have to say about developments in media, marketing and tech. The sources range from renowned trade journals to management consultancies and agencies. From this colourful bouquet of trends we, the experts from the Mediaplus Trendhub, first identified, filtered out and then grouped together the most important topics.