Entries by Julian Simons

No cookie, no cry?

A new decade is always a good time to rethink old habits and draw up new plans for the next ten years. Or so you’d think if you took time to read the – presumably intentionally? – unassuming, but nonetheless still very much evident posts published by Google over recent days and weeks.
Because what these messages describe, albeit in a very convoluted and in some cases quite innocuous way, is nothing less than the end of an era, and indeed the end of a technical tool that has had a significant impact on the operation of the internet as we know it: the cookie.

Trends from a digital / programmatic point of view

Data protection! With the impending strict implementation of the ePrivacy Regulation, many programmatic offers are on the verge of collapse, as a hard regulation means that cookies can only be used with the appropriate consent, which will dramatically reduce the available usable quantity and thus call into question the usefulness of many programmatic products. Quality! […]


My Programmatic Big 3: We should talk about it

When has a technology fully reached the market? When everyone is using it? If the first hype is over? Programmatic Advertising is now an integral part of the digital media business. Are we therefore at the destination? Certainly not, because as quickly as the market and its participants change, the challenges that we as market […]

Why mobile programmatic does not yet use its full potential

The mobile Internet booms in Germany, both in terms of users and traffic. Even shopping on a smart phone is becoming more popular. At the same time, programmatic advertising has established itself as a fixed value, at least in online media business. As a consequence of both developments, mobile programmatic would therefore have to be […]

When campaigns with third-party data pay off

In recent months, the keyword “big data” was the Holy Grail of sorts in the marketing realm. But until now, many discussions around the topic were primarily carried out at congresses and conferences in the more theoretical form of the Knights of the Round Table. This is especially so when it comes to external data […]